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  • Blog

Guy Cohen

Flags, Straddles, The Markets and Intraday Flags …

Hi Everyone. I may have been a bit too subtle with this piece of advice, so I’ll make it loud and clear now …

If the straddles aren’t fulfilling the ideal criteria, then stick to trading…

Major Improvements Coming Soon

Hi Everyone. I wanted to let you know about some very important upgrades that are happening with the website in time for the next earnings season.

As you may have seen, during this last earnings seas…

Support & Resistance with Straddles

Hi everyone. I recently received this email which I thought was worth sharing. “Hi Guy, I have another question. I had a trade on GE the other day (58% profit in one day straddle and strangle). I boug…

Recent bull flags

Hi everyone. There have been quite a few decent flags out there recently … here are a few that TradeFinder has spotted for us. Notice that NONE of these bull flags was occurring in a downtrend….

More about flags and prognosis for 2008

Hi everyone. First, thank you for your emails with your success stories! I love hearing about your great trades and overwhelmingly this has been the case. Of course with trading there are also challen…

Trade Flag Patterns with Illuminati-Trader

Did you know you can use Illuminati Trader not just to trade straddles and strangles around earnings season, but also to trade stocks up or down at any time of the year! This means you can use the sit…

Time Decay with Options

Theta T The characteristic of option prices to change purely as a result of the passage of time is known as time decay. Theta is a measure of how time decay affects the option premium. As such, theta …

Volatility and Options

There are seven factors that influence an option’s price:

The type of option (call or put)
The price of the underlying asset
The exercise price (or strike price) of the option
The expiration da…

Trading Options inside the Bid-Ask Spread

The Bid-Ask Spread is the amount by which the Ask exceeds the Bid. This is essentially the difference in price between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset and the lowest pric…


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