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“One Week Is Currently Like a Decade In These Markets!”
Those are the words of a fund manager, so if you feel like these conditions have been challenging, you’re not alone! In terms of market timing, the writing was on the wall by Monday’s low close in terms of my forecast of some possible relief. There was no relief. One of the signals I have commented on recently is the paucity of Post earnings. Here’s what I said about that last week: “Post earnings has been a damp squib, and that may play a part in evaluating the next few weeks.” Also, as I mentioned last week … To make sure you never miss an alert, software update or market commentary join our free Telegram channel here. Market Outlook: Our market commentary continues to be outstanding. Mastering market timing enables you to swim WITH the

Market reviews and blogs
Your best source of investment news from WiseTraders and Guy Cohen.

Short Term Relief Likely
Sometimes you just nail it, and last week we did just that with market direction heading downwards. Curiously, many of

Friday Blues Turning Market Red
If market conditions change you have to be adaptable. Being wedded to an opinion will destroy a trading account. The

Markets Nudging Higher
Last week’s market timing commentary suggested choppiness, which we got, and now the markets do look like they’re inclined for

Nvidia Takes a Breather and the Market Could Follow
Last week we got the new highs that we anticipated, but Friday was one of those days that could herald a blow-off top … but we have to get confirmation first. It’s by no means certain at this stage, but

Post Earnings Setups Providing The Best Quality
Volatility dropped last week, culminating in a sharp uptick on Friday. The indices are having a great time with no obvious signs of change yet. That said, as I mentioned last week, as I look at the overall market, the

Read Beyond The Obvious Bullishness – It’s More of a Mixed Bag
So, as predicted we did get increased volatility last week … and it manifested in both directions, pre and post Nvidia’s earnings announcement. Now is the time to read the room – or the signs – very carefully. Nvidia’s positive

Increased Volatility Coming Soon
Earlier last week one of our VIP members asked whether Tuesday’s wobble was a sign of the imminent pullback. My answer was that it could be a shot across the bows, but we should give it more time before making

See The Raw Power of Our Master Keys
By now you should have noticed the raw power of focusing on our 3 Master Keys of Trading. This is what sets up apart from anything else, and this week has shone a bright light upon our favourite setups. Our

Market Timing Is About to Get Even Better
I’m back home now from a wonderful visit to see our Orlando venue, which I hope you could see, is fantastic! First, a repeat of my urgent notice from last week … Email policies are changing with draconian measures being

Please Take This Important Action ASAP
First, an urgent notice. Email policies are changing with draconian measures being implemented very soon by the big email providers. That means the likelihood of emails bouncing will sky-rocket. My regular market timing and market reviews continue to provide you

Like I Said … A Bumpy Bullish Earnings Season
Sometimes it does feel a bit uncanny, but this is the huge payoff that our unique approach to the markets gives us. And of course, that then puts us at a huge advantage for selecting stocks and options which are

Bumpy Bullish Earnings As Expected
Last week I said that while the main indices had retraced (apart from the DIA) I expected them to rebound as we get into earnings season. This is exactly what happened, though the financials didn’t have a great week as

Earnings Is Here This Week
A very Happy New Year to you, it’s going to be a great year! A number of VIP Summit members have made me rather jolly with reports of excellent performance since that event, and only yesterday a VIP member who