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“One Week Is Currently Like a Decade In These Markets!”
Those are the words of a fund manager, so if you feel like these conditions have been challenging, you’re not alone! In terms of market timing, the writing was on the wall by Monday’s low close in terms of my forecast of some possible relief. There was no relief. One of the signals I have commented on recently is the paucity of Post earnings. Here’s what I said about that last week: “Post earnings has been a damp squib, and that may play a part in evaluating the next few weeks.” Also, as I mentioned last week … To make sure you never miss an alert, software update or market commentary join our free Telegram channel here. Market Outlook: Our market commentary continues to be outstanding. Mastering market timing enables you to swim WITH the

Market reviews and blogs
Your best source of investment news from WiseTraders and Guy Cohen.

Short Term Relief Likely
Sometimes you just nail it, and last week we did just that with market direction heading downwards. Curiously, many of

Friday Blues Turning Market Red
If market conditions change you have to be adaptable. Being wedded to an opinion will destroy a trading account. The

Markets Nudging Higher
Last week’s market timing commentary suggested choppiness, which we got, and now the markets do look like they’re inclined for

Quantitative Easing Defined
Hi Everyone
The markets started to wobble as the S&P got dizzy from breaking its year highs. I’m thinking that this will be the start of some further wobbles as the market makes up its…

Doji City
Hi Everyone
Over the weekend I said the markets were likely to rise today and luckily for me they obliged.
However, the Nasdaq and S&P are both displaying Doji bars today after breaking int…

OVI Market Update
OVI Market Action:
Like it or not, logical or not, the markets are poised to break one way or another. Bull flags still have the edge, but there are some beautiful looking bear flags out there too, a…

Stop Limits, The Markets
Market Action:
I don’t like today’s action which looks very dojo-like on the S&P and Dow which both broke to new highs only to come back into their consolidations – not the decisive type of …

Google’s Informed Trading
A Word on Google:
Very soon I’m going to send you the concluding part of my own videos on Informed Trading, so if you’re more of a stock fan, then keep an eye on your Inbox because it will be an…

Beware the Doji
Hi Everyone
Just a quick note to say that Doji type long-tailed bars have formed on the Dow, Nasdaq, S&P and a number of leading stocks including AAPL, GS, AMZN and WYNN to name but a…

Is the Recession Really Over?!
Hi Everyone
A concerted move up yesterday throughout the board as the US “officially declares the end to the recession” – notice I put that in parenthesis!
First let me say that I don’t ha…

Charts are Bullish – OVI is shy
Hi Everyone
Ok, we have some divergence with the markets looking bullish (with nice bull flags forming) but the OVI having turned down on the S&P and the Nasdaq.
Let’s put this in context. …

GLD Update
Hi Everyone
GLD finally broke out today meaning if you were patient, you’d be in a trade right now.
It’s been a pretty dramatic breakout and the OVI never got into negative territory even…

Extra Note on GLD
Hi Everyone
I forgot to mention GLD, which is a Gold ETF …
Having been bullish for several weeks now, GLD stands on the precipice of a new breakout from its June highs.
The OVI w…