Just 16 weeks until our once-in-a-lifetime Options Bootcamp in beautiful Mayakoba!
It’s going to be simply amazing in terms of technology, content, practical exercises, and of course the occasion itself, whether you attend online or in person. For more information about options get in touch here.
Also, make sure you never miss an alert, software update or market commentary join our free Telegram channel here.
A subtle but big change to my market reviews will happen over the coming weeks …
The video will shorten and become more focused on stocks that have bigger potential moves …
Combined with our more interactive, practical training sessions, I think you’ll like that a lot.
Moore’s Law and Our Approach
The number of transistors on a computer chip roughly doubles every two years, making computers exponentially faster and cheaper over time.
As technology expands its capabilities, its impact on our lives becomes progressively inescapable.
A.I. is a manifestation of Moore’s law, and impacts every aspect of our lives … And there are corporations set to exploit this phenomenon even more profoundly than we’ve already seen in the last couple of years.
As such, my commentaries will focus increasingly on stocks that have the capacity to move in large ranges, while optimizing our timing and risk control through our proven Big Money Footprint principles.
So, buckle up … 2025 is going to be a fun ride with WiseTraders!
Market Outlook:
Our market commentary continues to be outstanding. Mastering market timing enables you to swim WITH the tide at the right time.
So, last week I said:
At first glance, the consolidations below the 50-day moving averages might seem bearish, but I have a different perspective …
… earnings season is now just two weeks away, and mixed Market Timing signals are leading me to focus more on bullish setups for now …
Monday’s uptick appeared to vindicate my instincts, only for the main indices – largely led by tech – to sell off on Tuesday and Friday, somewhat helped by a frisky Jobs report which spooked investors about inflation and interest rates. This adversely affected the financials and tech in particular.
In the meantime, our bullishness on Energy stocks (particularly oil & gas) was rewarded, along with some other notable winners.
The good news is that we did not chase the overbought stocks because we never do. And they certainly had a hand in the market decline.
The not-so-good news is that aside from Monday my market timing wasn’t up to its usual standard … largely because I was second-guessing the impact of upcoming earnings and the inauguration. Not TWYS (Trade What You See)? Perhaps slightly!
The question is: what now?
The answer is … Let’s get past the first week of earnings and inauguration day.
Looking objectively, the S&P, Dow and Nasdaq all have room to the downside, while the Russell 2000 is right on its 200-dma support already.
When there’s so much news about, prices can bounce around causing whipsaws, and that’s the conundrum today.
In an ideal world the tech sector will keep sliding to the point where it’s in bargain basement territory! 🤞
So, I’m keeping the big guns unloaded for now. If there are any profound changes during the week I’ll post on Telegram.
Watch the video for more detail.
Market Timers:
- Longer Term Market Timer (OVIsi):
Green, but wavering. - Medium Term Swing Timer:
Bearish. - The Main Indices:
QQQ, DIA and IWM all show unambiguous negative OVI readings, while SPY is more mooted but still on the negative side.
Stock Selection:
The key to consistency is to pick your playbook and stick to the best quality setups that conform to it.
One of the trickier weeks I’ve seen, with no plum AAA+ candidates. This is actually reassuring as it means we can recognize different market conditions and distinguish optimal setups from others.
My playbook is OVI, near Key Levels, Shrinking Retracements, and a consolidation/sideways move. The other two Big Money Footprints are highly desirable but those four are essential to me! With my new VIP filters, I’m also now looking more at overbought and oversold issues.
Go into the ‘Expert Watchlists’ area of the platform to view my Watchlists for (a) all the stocks I cover in today’s video, and (b) a smaller list that warrant a closer look.
** The list of stocks is in the Expert Watchlists area (just click on my image to see them), so you’ll have to log in to see it. Market Timing will also go inside a login soon. Remember to reference the video commentary so you know what my sentiment is on each stock listed. **
Don’t Miss Out:
Software Upgrades:
Several important upgrades happening with our options modules, which I’ll show you in the coming days, and there are big research items also almost ready to share with you.
Many more game-changing upgrades will be made in time for the Mayakoba Options VIP Bootcamp on May 3rd – 4th.
We’ve got some big updates lined up for this year:
- A.I. Interfaces:
If you like using A.I. applications, then you’re going to love a particular development we have in the pipeline for you. - Big Moving Stocks Focus:
Soon I’ll have a filter you can use for stocks with potentials for larger moves in either direction.
- Journal Upgrade:
Almost ready to share with you – stay tuned! - Mobile Experience:
By spring, our mobile platform will roll out, complete with dynamic notifications to enhance your trading experience. - Options Enhancements:
Several key upgrades to our options tools are coming soon, alongside major research insights we can’t wait to share with you. - Updated ‘How To’ Video Guides.
We’ve already deployed a handy ‘How To’ clickthrough guide to help you navigate the platform. We’ll also be upgrading the Fast Filters still further.
More updates are on the way!
Upcoming Events:
Our Options VIP Bootcamp in Mayakoba is on the 3rd and 4th of May! It’s going to be amazing! Rooming details are now available.
Watch today’s market review inside the members area here! To the left is the Watchlist area. To the right is the TV area.
How to Watch This Video:
The best way to watch this video so you can flip through the charts at the same time:
- Log into the members area: https://platform.wisetraders.com
- Click on TV within the Platform (top right)
- Choose “On Demand”
- Play

Remember, you can play the video at 1.25x or 1.5x speed if you want to save time! I have placed all the stocks covered in today’s review in your “Latest Preview” watch list.