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Markets Grinding Up Just

Dear %%First Name%% The main indices are still grinding upwards with a few mixed signals out there, while the Russell Midcap Index is shaky.  XOM continues to behave well – this is exactly t…

Mixed Earnings Season

This earnings season continues to be choppy with AAPL delighting investors while other stocks rather moribund.  Just a couple of weeks to go and hopefully the market will be clearer as to its int…

Important Earnings Week

There’s been so much change with the OVI Traders Club recently that I must now re-record all the Welcome Videos, so they reflect how the site has evolved.  I’ll send everyone the new emails and v…

Nice work XOM … and the Indices too!

Following on from yesterday … Good work from XOM breaking out as I’ve been highlighting.  It’s been a classic OVI breakout setup so be sure to watch today’s video and previous ones over th…

Reversals and XOM

Dear %%First Name%% Today’s video shows the potential reversals I highlighted yesterday with the S&P and the Dow. Both did as was expected, but if you took advantage of it, make sure you prot…

Patience … and XOM

Earnings is around the corner and even with the S&P touching new highs, I’m of the mind that patience is a virtue right now. That said, it’s worth taking a look at how XOM is shaping up … &…

Continued Mixed Signals

Another day and more mixed signals from this market, defined by many bearish patterns and minor support breaks but many positive OVIs as well.  We have earnings in a few weeks’ time which should …

OVI Market Update 2014.03.24 – Still Mixed Signals

Still mixed signals as I mentioned on Friday’s review.  This is perfectly natural, so don’t panic if you’re not finding too many amazing trades.  They tend to come along like buses … none …

OVI Market Update 2014.03.21 – Mixed Signals

It’s a strange market as there are a multitude of head and shoulders (bearish) patterns hovering like clouds, but many OVI readings remain in positive territory. Gold and Silver are taking a rest…


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