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Fed boosts the markets for now

Well the markets weren’t subdued after all yesterday!  They were pretty excitable after hearing from the new Fed chairwoman who is committed to continuing recent Fed policy of gentle tapering as …

Markets Subdued

When you look at the markets right now, they just look a bit subdued to me.  Watch the video link below where I review over 22 stocks so you can see what I’m seeing right now.  Here’s today’…

A Gaggle of Doji Bars from Wednesday

Last Wednesday saw doji bars on the SPY, DIA, QQQ and a few stocks we like to observe.  When you see clusters of patterns there is something important going on.  We saw exactly the same phen…

Retracement in Full Flow

The market retracement is in full flow – nothing too surprising in that.  It remains to be seen how far it will go, but my view is that in due course we’ll be seeing some decent buying opportunit…

OVI Market Update Video 2014.02.03

Not a major amount to report on today, but here’s a quick video summarizing Friday’s action. Here’s a quick summary video.  

Still a Mixed Bag Out There

Still not much out there for what I’d call no-brainer trades right now, but that was to be expected.  Remember, we’re all about ascertaining if there is a clear indication from the demand and sup…

FB Delights, BA Disappoints, PSX Confuses

FB smashed it after hours, BA disappointed and PSX confused everyone!  Today GOOG, XOM and AMZN are reporting … another interesting day in the markets beckons.  

Inconsistent Earnings Season

It’s an inconsistent earnings season so far.  The indices are hovering near their highs, but the safest place is on the sidelines right now.  That said, there are a few nice looking charts t…

Earnings Season Can Inflict Pain

Drama yesterday with BBY even though it didn’t even report earnings.  Disappointing holiday season sales caused a nasty downgap after the previous day’s upward reversal from Wednesday’s doji. &nb…

The Markets are Never Wrong!

Hi Everyone BAC and the banking stocks behaved as I suggested they would yesterday.  Take a look at today’s video below to see more.  Also there were a couple of Doji bars that rev…


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