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  • Blog

OVI Index

Volatility Around the Corner?

Hi Everyone 
By now you know my mantra:   
“Trade What You See” 
And still what we can see is a rising market with the OVI largely positive.  This generally points to a contin…

Again! Trade What You See

Hi Everyone 
Just another reminder of the most important lesson of trading …  
“Trade What You See” 
Remember Warren Buffett’s quote: “Forecasting tells you a lot about the forecaster…

Trade What You See

Hi Everyone,
As you must know by now, my trading mantra is: “Trade What You See”. 
Having an opinion can be very costly in trading and you’re always better off not having one!  Just trade wh…

The OVI Shows the Way

Hi Everyone
If you ever wanted an indication of the power of the OVI you witnessed it today.  All the indices buckled – note my email/blog yesterday which highlighted that while the markets had b…

Market Update 22 February 2010

Hi Everyone 
Last week’s Jobless Claims and PPI (inflation) figures came and went without too much fuss, with the markets trundling upwards but with low volume.   
What’s interesting is…

Why We Only Trade Breakouts

Hi Everyone

The markets came roaring back on Thursday albeit on moribund volume.  Remember though, one swallow doesn’t make a summer.  Are we headed for new highs or is this part of the ine…

More Sideways Action Required

Hi Everyone 
More sloppy action in the markets yesterday – 3 of the last 4 bars in the S&P and Nasdaq have been doji-like with wide ranges and the open and the close near to each other.
This …

Market Update – 9th February 2010

Hi Everyone
Very weak action yesterday – with the main indices only poking through Friday’s high temporarily before slumping again.  This is bearish, but still don’t be surprised if we see some s…

Urgent Market Update – 5th February 2010

Hi Everyone,
Friday’s afternoon session saw a massive rally on the indices and across the board.  By some luck as well as judgement (I was a bit wary about the impact of the Employment Report so …

Options Symbol Changes

Hi Everyone
You may have noticed that all the options symbols for US stocks have changed.  I’ll post more about that in due course.  The net result willbe beneficial in the long term as the …


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