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  • Blog

The Market

Are the Markets about to Roll Over?

Hi Everyone
Many apologies for the radio silence.  I do have a good excuse which I’ll tell you about a bit later in this message.
In the meantime we need to look at the major charts and see what&…

Earnings Season is Here!

Hi Everyone
Just a quick note to say be careful right now as we’re right into earnings season.
Yesterday saw a huge spike up, but with our trading method, we remained safe as our bear flags turned up …

Market Update 7 July 2009

Hi Everyone
The markets haven’t disappointed!  As I mentioned last time, they were more likely to come down and so they have done just that.
If we do have a prolonged downtrend, that can only be …

Market Update 2nd July 2009

Hi Everyone
Earnings season is around the corner, and after an unhelpful rangebound two month period since the last earnings season I expect to see a long-awaited market move by the end of July. &nbsp…

Market Update June 17

Hi Everyone
I’ve been meaning to write an update for a few days, but now is as timely as ever.
For some time I’ve been extolling the virtues of caution in this peculiar market rally, and the last coup…

Market Update – the S&P and Dow

Hi Everyone
Just a quick update on the major indices and the main markets.
For the second week running the first trading day of the week spiked up on pretty non-descript news, having followed a bearis…

It’s Ugly Out There – But Not for Long!

Hi Everyone
Ugly charts prevail right now.  Many bull flags have been turning into rounded tops and early market gains have wilted as the trading days reach their close.
These are not the signs o…

Market Update

Hi Everyone
Just a quick update to my previous blog.  The month of May seems to behaving its effect, as I mentioned before. With earnings season now over, the markets have fallen with several dec…

Where is the Market Going?

Hi Everyone
After today’s savage move down, the big question is where is the market going?  This will have a bearing on whether we focus on bull flags or bear flags.
From a news point of view ……

Flag-Trader Proving its Worth Big Time

In this bulletin I outline how important it is that you have a facility like Flag-Trader that helps you know when to trade and when not to trade.
The patterns are beginning to return – I’m seeing quit…


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