Trading Plan
Guy Cohen
15th August 2020

No Breakout, No Losses – Airline Stocks Did Not Immediately Reverse
Do you rembember last week I mentioned the airline stocks were looking like reversal candidates? Well NONE of them actually made an immediate reversal. Which means that no-one should have l…
Guy Cohen
4th September 2017

OVI Market Review – Monday’s Webinar Recording
On Monday I suggested to my private members that we had probably not seen the lows from this market. That could be a matter of days, weeks or months, but it would be unusual for last week’s lows…
Guy Cohen
2nd September 2015

An Exercise in De-risking
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a webinar that I was placing a ‘trade-like’ bet on the Wimbledon tennis championships, and outlined how I would de-risk the entire bet. Now the championships…
Guy Cohen
13th July 2015

The Markets are Never Wrong!
Hi Everyone BAC and the banking stocks behaved as I suggested they would yesterday. Take a look at today’s video below to see more. Also there were a couple of Doji bars that rev…
Guy Cohen
16th January 2014

“Why isn’t Ford doing what it’s supposed to be doing?”
I received an email this morning from my most awkward student … I mean this guy is seriously awkward! Just kidding – he actually suggested that I start off this email by labelling him that way…
Guy Cohen
3rd November 2013